"Watch the shop" nghĩa là gì?

"Cứ để tui trông cho". Photo by Alexandre Mattos from Pexels

"Watch the shop" nghĩa là trông coi cửa hàng (thường là nhờ khi đi vắng).

Ví dụ
If I can get someone to watch the shop I'll be there.

Marcus If you, erm, need to run back quickly, I'm OK to watch the shop for you for two secs.

If Benji's coming to watch the store I could check with some of her girlfriends. Maybe she went into Rapid.

Could you get the Synergy to take you to find the two girls, Sammy and Priyah, they know where they are, I‛ve just been thinking that if we‛re going to leave Eleanor, Dottie and Nichelle to watch the shop here you'll need a bit of female company and this job should be a doddle (việc dễ) so you'll have a bit of spare time to get them trained up while you're hanging about waiting.

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