Cẩn thận, đừng lại gần trẻ con ngoài đường

được đứa bé 11 tuổi nhờ róc mía, rồi bỗng dưng bố nó xuất hiện, tức giận hỏi tại sao ở gần con anh ta lúc 8h tối,

tránh tranh cãi nên bỏ đi, nhưng bị bố đứa bé đuổi theo, đấm, đá vào mặt và... cắn vào chim :D
...Starr News has gathered on April 6, 2020, the victim- Eric Kwadwo, was returning from town and met an 11-year-old son of the suspect at the roadside peeling (bóc vỏ) sugar cane (cây mía).

The boy pleaded (xin, khẩn cầu) the victim (nạn nhân) to assist him in peeling his sugar cane but suddenly the suspect-Atta Kwaku appeared at the scene furious (tức giận) and angrily queried (hỏi, chất vấn) the victim why he was standing with his son around 8:00pm.

According to the victim, to avoid an altercation (cãi nhau, cãi lộn, đấu khẩu), he decided to walk away from the scene but the suspect followed him casting aspersions, then violently pushed him to the ground which he fell facedown resulting in injuries below the nostrils (nũi), on the face and on the right hand.

Suspect not satisfied pounced on him grabbed and bit his penis resulting in a deep cut.

Tags: sex

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