"A turn of the screw" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by: Caleb Woods on Unsplash

"A turn of the screw" -> nghĩa là hành động khiến mọi thứ trở nên tồi tệ hơn, thường là khi bị ai đó ép làm việc.

Ví dụ
“That is a turn of the screw every seven days to suffocate (bóp nghẹt) our economy,” he said. The State Department said public charter flight (chuyến bay trên chiếc máy bay thuê) operators would have 60 days to wind down their Cuba operations.

As dance theater, “Hagoromo” is thin. Probably its makers hope for the strange economy of Noh, in which the turn of a masked face, the movement of a sleeve (tay áo) or the placing of a foot can be a turn of the screw in terms of drama.

The retail (bán lẻ) food market is a tough environment at the moment and there's been a turn of the screw over the past few months ​[the supermarket price wars], which has made it a tougher market.

Kissinger's claim that  he was growing uncomfortable (không thoải mái) with the wiretapping (nghe lén) is confirmed  (được xác nhận) by some handwritten  notes  (giấy viết tay) buried in boxes of H.  R.  Haldeman's  papers  in  the  Nixon archives. Reporting  on  a June  4 meeting  in the  White  House  with the president,  Haldeman's notes read: "Kissinger getting list of who talked to H. Smith. Kissinger is afraid  we may  be turning  screws a notch  too far.... Next  turn there is danger of kickback (phản ứng kịch liệt)."

Ngọc Lân

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