"Be bumping along the bottom" nghĩa là gì?

Thiệt hại vô cùng nặng nề vì đại dịch. Photo by Jerry Wang from Pexels

"Be bumping along the bottom" hoặc "bumping along at the bottom" nghĩa là chạm đáy (kinh tế).

Ví dụ
But I think this quarter and perhaps next quarter feel like we're about, you know, as I said, bumping along the bottom and going to begin to emerge (nổi lên) out of it, at some point over that time. 

Lloyds shareholders (cổ đông) are no strangers to the price of their shares bumping along the bottom for months on end, even years. Previous bottoms, though, have not been anywhere near as deep as this one.

This is very fractionally worse than the past week's 86.8% decline, when it had actually eased a little for the first time in the coronavirus crisis (khủng hoảng). Essentially, the data indicate (chỉ ra) that European airline capacity (khả năng) is bumping along the bottom.

There’s no law that says economies contract (hợp đồng) for only two quarters before they start growing. Nor that once they start growing, they strengthen. If you’ve lived through a few recessions (suy thoái), you’ll remember the expression “bumping along the bottom” and headlines about “jobless growth” (tăng trưởng thất nghiệp).

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