"Be fleet of foot" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Tembela Bohle from Pexels

"Be fleet of foot" nghĩa là nhanh chân.

Ví dụ
Notching (đạt) 100 sidesteps in just 45 seconds, it's clear that the German star is fleet of foot, but could anyone beat him?

Elk (nai sừng tấm) can maintain speeds of 30 miles per hour for extended (kéo dài) periods of time. Although elk are very fleet of foot, their endurance (sức chịu đựng) is.

Van Dyke is the type of quarterback (tiền vệ) that will set the tone for an offense because of the way he works. Van Dyke isn’t the most fleet of foot and doesn’t necessarily have the strongest arm, but he is accurate (chính xác) and is willing to put the work in to improve at the areas of his game that need work.

The sheep in the highlands would live off the land (sống nhờ đất) by themselves and would not be under the constant eye and care of a shepherd (người chăn cừu). To survive, they would not only be fast and fleet of foot to run from predators (kẻ săn mồi), but they also would be leery (ranh mãnh) in nature, always alert to any and all predators.

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