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bộ xét nghiệm được dùng ở Tanzania cho thấy đu đủ và dê cũng... dương tính với Covid-19,
The accuracy (độ chính xác) of coronavirus tests used in Tanzania has been questioned (bị nghi vấn, nghi ngờ, đặt dấu hỏi) by the country's president after a goat (con dê) and a papaya (quả đu đủ) both tested positive for the disease.

President John Magufuli, whose government has already faced criticism (hứng chịu chỉ trích) over its handling of coronavirus outbreak (đợt bùng phát) and has previously asked people to pray (cầu nguyện) the disease away, said the kits had "technical errors" (lỗi kỹ thuật).

He said the COVID-19 tests had been imported from abroad, although he did not give further details.

Tags: health

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