Các kịch bản khôi phục nền kinh tế

gì thì gì, cẩn thận mở sớm quá là toang... 

như nhà máy ở mỹ, khuyến khích nhân viên đi làm, thế là lây nhiễm, đóng cửa hơn 3 tuần,
The dangers of reopening without disease control — or a coronavirus vaccine or therapeutic breakthrough (đột phá về điều trị/phép chữa bệnh) — are illustrated by events at the Smithfield Foods meatpacking plant in Sioux Falls, S.D. Smithfield offered workers a bonus if they showed up every day in April. Normally, bonus pay would increase attendance. But in a pandemic, encouraging the sick to haul themselves into work can be disastrous (thảm họa). The plan backfired (phản tác dụng, tác dụng ngược). Hundreds of Smithfield employees were infected (lây nhiễm), forcing the plant to shut down for more than three weeks. If we stay the current course, we risk repeating the same mistake across the whole economy.

Second, we need a Federalist approach to testing.

The only way to restore the economy is to earn the confidence of both vulnerable industries and vulnerable people through testing (xét nghiệm), contact tracing (theo dõi tiếp xúc) and isolation (cách ly).

There is already a bipartisan plan to achieve this; we helped write it. The plan relies on frequent testing followed by tracing the contacts of people who test positive (and their contacts) until no new positive cases are found. It also encourages voluntary isolation, at home or in hotel rooms, to prevent further disease spread. Isolated patients would receive a federal stipend (trợ cấp liên bang), like jurors, to discourage them from returning to workplaces too soon...

Tags: health

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