"Get an eyeful" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by engin akyurt

"Get an eyeful" = có được người đàn bà hấp dẫn/thấy cảnh hấp dẫn -> nghĩa là thấy hoặc nhìn cái gì với ánh mắt ngạc nhiên và bất ngờ.

Ví dụ
Lake Travis residents get an eyeful as Thunderbirds fly overhead in salute (để chào) to frontline workers.

“Caught in the Act” a second season episode has the Dunphy kids surprise their parents with breakfast in bed – and they get an eyeful.

The nonprofit Oregon Observatory is dedicated to providing public access to the heavens. Unlike most research observatories (đài thiên văn) where visitors admire telescopes (kính thiên văn) from afar, it encourages aspiring astronomers (nhà thiên văn học) to get an eyeful through its scopes, typically 12 to 15 on a given night. Celestial (thuộc vũ trụ) bodies are the stars of the show. And they’re easy to spot, thanks to clear air and the darkness; Sunriver, the surrounding resort town, has a stringent lighting ordinance (sắc lệnh, quy định ánh sáng nghiêm ngặt) that protects the night sky from light pollution (ô nhiễm ánh sáng).

Ka Tina

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