“Get into debt” nghĩa là gì?

Gánh nặng cuộc đời. Photo by rupixen.com

“Get/run into debt” -> nghĩa là mắc nợ/nợ tiền.

Ví dụ
Launceston-based bankruptcy (phá sản) specialist Andrew Crawford agreed, saying it was too soon to tell how many people would get into debt.

Mary-Ann Stephenson, director of the Women’s Budget Group added: “Covid-19 has magnified (thổi phồng, làm to ra) existing inequalities. Before this crisis women were more likely to be low paid, more likely to be poor and more likely to get into debt to buy basic necessities.

Up to now, European solidarity (sự thống nhất, tính đoàn kết) has been applied in terms of helping someone get into debt. In other words, when a state has a problem, the others help by facilitating indebtedness. If you have a problem, you have to become indebted, and we’ll help you to do so, acting as an intermediary (trung gian, người môi giới) in the financial market (thị trường tài chính), as does the Stability Mechanism, the ESM, or MEDE – or as the SURE mechanism that we invented in the Commission to help finance unemployment costs will do. Some thought this marked the arrival of European unemployment insurance. No, unfortunately not.

Ka Tina

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