"Get the snuffles" nghĩa là gì?

Hãy chăm sóc bản thân tốt hơn. Photo by Spencer Backman

"Get the snuffles" = bị nghẹt mũi/kêu khụt khịt -> nghĩa là bị cảm lạnh (thường bị nhẹ).

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And when it is we get the snuffles like this echidna (thú lông nhím).

And the warm weather, which usually comes in mid-May is a big plus too: you can dress up in vyshyvanka without any fears to get the snuffles.

Next time you get the snuffles, forget the honey and lemon. Instead, tuck into a giant bowl of that childhood favourite - jelly (mứt cô đặc). Why? Because scientists say its core ingredient (thành phần chính) - gelatine - can give your immune system (hệ miễn dịch) a powerful boost.

Ka Tina

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