"In just a moment" nghĩa là gì?

Một phút mặc nhiệm tưởng nhớ. Photo by Craig Adderley from Pexels

"(In) just a moment" nghĩa là trong một khoảnh khắc/thời gian ngắn ngủi.

Ví dụ
An idea, conceived in just a moment, can have enormous implications (ý nghĩa lớn).

Kate stood with both arms leaning against the ship's schematic (giản đồ), her head was down and for just a moment he thought she was crying.

Just a moment of silence to remember what it was that they did for us that paved the way (mở đường). We are free and what we do today is of what they sacrificed (hy sinh) when they were serving.

Take just a moment today to remember the men and women from every generation who went to war and never returned. Remember, too, their families who could us all a thing or two about sacrifice.

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