Chắc đủ qua mùa dịch

lính cứu hỏa ở indiana đợi trợ cấp 1.700 usd từ chính phủ thì thấy 8,2 triệu usd trong tài khoản khi rút tiền từ atm :D
A volunteer firefighter (lính cứu hỏa tình nguyện) in Indiana recently had the surprise of a lifetime (ngạc nhiên cả đời).

Charles Calvin, of New Chicago, Ind., told WGN 9 he withdrew $200 from his checking account at an ATM last weekend.

He glanced down on his receipt and noticed a few more zeroes than usual. He told the station his bank account balance was $8.2 million.

Calvin was supposed to receive $1,700 from the stimulus payments (khoản chi trong gói cứu trợ kích cầu) going out to Americans to help assist those impacted (bị ảnh hưởng) by the coronavirus.

The volunteer firefighter said he ran his card through the ATM again to make sure it was accurate (chính xác), and there it was: He was a millionaire (triệu phú). Calvin told the station that he immediately (ngay lập tức) called his bank to report his newfound wealth, but by the time they investigated (điều tra), the money was gone. His bank did inform him that his $1,700 stimulus payment was deposited, although he's still wondering if the mistake was a fluke or if taxpayers in the U.S. aren't receiving the right amount.

Tags: funny

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