Covid-19: bất cập triển khai học online

ko bình đẳng, ko phải nhà nào cũng có đủ điều kiện ipad, máy tính, điện thoại thông minh,

ko phải em nào cũng có bố mẹ ở nhà quan tâm việc học, cả nước cách ly, nhưng có những việc có những người vẫn phải đi làm...
There have been many conversations online about whether coronavirus will usher in (báo hiệu, mở ra; đánh dấu sự khởi đầu) a new age of home working (làm ở nhà) and e-learning (học qua mạng). And while at first the kids have loved it, problems are cropping up, not least because the model favours the children of families with access to technology, space and time.

...By day, my 40 sq ft apartment becomes a classroom. Where I used to relax and watch TV is now my very own recording studio where I film myself explaining tasks and demonstrating activities. Where I used to prepare meals together with my housemate and reflect on the day has become an area to produce props for these lessons. I found myself, the other day, sticking together two toilet rolls to make a model of a cow’s femur (xương đùi), on which I etched little drawings of jars and loaves of bread to show the children how people in Mesopotamia used to mark animal bones as a rudimentary form of payment (phương thức thanh toán thô sơ).

the model is heavily skewed to those with access to resources. I’m very aware that I’m working at a private school, where all our children have iPads. My friends at local state schools say they have been printing out stacks of papers containing all of the children’s exercises for the week, which their parents then collect for them on Monday mornings. They’re left to their own devices as to whether they complete these exercises or not.

Tags: kid

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