Covid-19: báo chí thật khó sống

phóng viên đang tham gia phỏng vấn online thì có em gái 'bán khỏa thân' xuất hiện ở hậu cảnh :)
A well-known journalist in Spain went from commenting on the news to becoming a popular gossip (bàn ra tán vào, chuyện ngồi lê đôi mách) headline this week.

41-year-old Alfonso Merlos was participating in the “Estado de Alarma” YouTube channel when viewers noticed a semi-naked woman, who didn’t appear to be his girlfriend (không phải bạn gái), passing by the background.

the woman as 27-year-old journalist Alexia Rivas.

The video led to accusations (lời cáo buộc) that Merlos was cheating on (lừa dối, phản bội) his girlfriend Marta López, a contestant of the show “Big Brother,” but he insisted that they were no longer together.

After the video went viral, López said that episode was “shameful.” (đáng hổ thẹn, ô danh, ngượng, xấu hổ)

Bài trước: Thật là giản tiện
Tags: sex


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