Putin chống dịch Covid-19 như nào?

vẫn phải dựa vào các tỷ phú đầu sỏ chính trị thân cận thôi,
As the coronavirus pandemic (đại dịch) gained pace (tăng tốc) in Russia this spring, a billionaire steel magnate (ông trùm ngành thép), Aleksei A. Mordashov, called four regional governors (thống đốc vùng) and urged (thúc giục) them to lock down (phong tỏa) the cities where he operates.

For Andrei A. Guryev, the scion (con ông cháu cha, con dòng cháu giống) of a fertilizer empire (đế chế phân bón), limiting travel into two Arctic cities of 80,000 people where he runs a phosphate mine was even easier. His company owns the airport (sở hữu sân bay) and the local ski resort (khu nghỉ dưỡng trượt tuyết ở địa phương) that attracts outsiders.

“We shut them down,” Mr. Guryev said. “The decision was ours alone.”

...the oligarchs, with millions of employees and dozens of Russian cities reliant on their enterprises, have become central figures in the national response to the pandemic.

With local health systems buckling, many oligarchs are deploying millions of dollars of their own cash (hàng triệu đô-la tiền túi), along with their companies’ logistics and procurement capacity (năng lực đấu thầu/mua sắm và hậu cần), to fight the spread of the illness, while urging slow-moving regional authorities (chính quyền địa phương ứng phó chậm chạp) to act with more resolve (hành động quyết tâm hơn).

...In the process, they are revealing the Russian state’s weaknesses, and how much Mr. Putin’s system of governance still relies on informal alliances with powerful business tycoons. The depth of their coffers (két bạc, túi tiền) also puts the oligarchs in position to outlast the pandemic — unlike Russia’s reeling small and midsize businesses — meaning that their influence is poised to grow in coming years (ảnh hưởng của họ những năm sau sẽ ngày càng lớn hơn).

Tags: economics

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