"Tell its own story" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Streetwindy from Pexels

"Tell its own story/tale" = kể câu chuyện của riêng mình-> nghĩa là giải thích, trình bày, chỉ rõ vấn đề.

Ví dụ
We would blame (đổ lỗi) the actors inasmuch (bởi vì) as they did not render (thể hiện) the story intelligently (một cách thông minh). A perfectly thought out plot (cốt truyện), well put together, should tell its own story.

The wound (vết thương) is a source of stories, as it opens both in and out: in, in order to hear the story of the other's suffering (đau khổ), and out, in order to tell its own story. Listening and telling are phases of healing (chữa lành); the healer and the storyteller are one.

It is time, then, to respond to Roger Allen's call, and look at this body of literature not simply as individual texts, each telling its own story of intertextuality (liên văn bản) with a tradition of its own making, but rather as a collective project that partakes (tham gia) not only in narrating (kể lại) a specific vision of modernity (tính hiện đại) in Arab culture and Arabic literature but also in intervening (can thiệp) in other discourses (diễn ngôn) on this modernity.

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