Lỗi ở CDC

hỏi về các ca viêm phổi ở mỹ năm ngoái, cdc biết,

nhưng đã xét nghiệm bao nhiêu ca covid-19, bao nhiêu người phải vào viện vì covid-19, giãn cách xã hội có hiệu quả ko... cdc ko có câu trả lời, ko theo dõi, ko biết...

vì ko dùng bộ xét nghiệm chuẩn của who mà tự làm bộ riêng, nên kết quả nhiều lỗi như vậy

-> thầu bộ test kit này lớn quá mà... :)
Want to know how many tuberculosis cases there were in the U.S. last year? Ask the CDC. Want to know about health-care-associated infections? Ask the CDC. It knows.

But ask how many Covid-19 tests have been done, and the CDC’s doesn’t have an answer. Want a daily update on how many people are getting hospitalized for Covid-19? The CDC isn’t tracking (theo dõi) it. Want to know if social distancing (giãn cách xã hội) is making a difference (làm nên điều khác biệt)? The CDC doesn’t know.

During this pandemic, when accurate, timely, nationwide information is the lifeblood of our response, the CDC has largely disappeared.

The performance of the world’s leading public health agency has been surprising, and by that I mean surprisingly disappointing (đáng thất vọng một cách đáng ngạc nhiên). When the outbreak began, the CDC decided to forgo using the World Health Organization’s testing kit for Covid-19 and build its own. The test it shipped out to states was faulty, creating problems that stretched for weeks and slowed response as states waited for replacement tests.

Tags: health

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