“When you get a minute” nghĩa là gì?

Chỉ muốn bung lụa. Photo by Aditya Saxena

“When you get a minute” = khi bạn có một phút -> nghĩa là ngay khi bạn có chút thời gian rảnh.

Ví dụ
Have a place for all of those little things you need to take care of when you get a minute.

You don't have to tell her that she calls you too much; just tell her you'll call her when you get a minute, or when you take a break.

Check it out when you get a minute, but basically, you don’t want to cause your girlfriend any unwanted psychological stress (căng thẳng tâm lý) by restricting her phone usage (hạn chế việc sử dụng điện thoại). Instead, you can lead by example. At least, try that first before you break out the rule book. When you go out to eat, make a big show of putting your smart phone away. Don’t keep it on the table and encourage her to do the same.

Ka Tina

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