"Your presence is requested" nghĩa là gì?

Hầy, lại chuẩn bị bay vài lít. :D Photo by Dmitry Zvolskiy from Pexels

"Your presence is requested" nghĩa là rất mong sự có mặt của bạn.

Ví dụ
The name the States Generals have just given themselves. Your presence is requested in Paris.

The honor of your presence is requested this weekend to a special occasion, the chauffer (tài xế) will pick you up at 7.

This is to inform you of a major event that will be taking place within the next two weeks, Earth time. Your presence is requested to attend this event.

Your presence is requested in Juba beginning 15 August. Our goal will be to focus on the immediate needs of the South and the best way to fulfill (thực hiện) our responsibilites (trách nhiệm) to the suffering and oppressed (áp bức).

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