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ko thể như thế được -> người khuyết tật bị cấm biểu diễn ở đường phố...
City management officials in Chongqing have forbidden a man with a disability from giving sidewalk performances (biểu diễn trên vỉa hè) because he is “tainting (làm nhơ, làm ô uế, làm bẩn; hư hỏng, đồi bại, bại hoại; thối, ươn, ôi (đồ ăn)) the city’s image.” The incident (vụ việc) has again sparked (khuấy động; phát tia lửa, phát tia điện) discussion on the role of such personnel, as well as the plight of people with disabilities.

...These officials, known as chengguan, play an important role in maintaining order in China’s cities, but they have also gained notoriety (tai tiếng) for occasional bad behavior toward hawkers (người bán hàng rong) and unlicensed street vendors. Some of the conflicts involving chengguan have turned violent — even deadly — with local authorities stepping in to resolve disputes, in one case by having hawkers and chengguan temporarily swap jobs.

Tags: china

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