"Base opinion on" nghĩa là gì?

Tụi em vẫn nghĩ là cần phải có chính sách quan tâm đến nhân viên hơn ạ!
Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash

"Base (someone's) opinion on something" nghĩa là giữ nguyên quan điểm về điều gì đó.

Ví dụ
Using FN's recent FN 509 releases as a guide to base opinion on, we suspect that the new pistol will be their answer to sub-compact striker fired guns.

“No matter how critical you want to be, you must base opinion on real events. My columns are not ‘funny’ but are often absurd. That’s because much of what happens in Colombia is ‘absurd’”.

“Justice Bromberg’s ruling did not deny free speech to anyone. He said that you cannot base opinion on racial prejudice. You have to have facts to support what you write. It’s about professional journalism. Bolt can say what he wants. He can have an opinion, but he has to be answerable to that.”

Thảo Nguyễn

Bài trước: "Make them available to" nghĩa là gì?
Tags: phrase

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