"Be beyond caring" nghĩa là gì?

Mãn nguyện vì được chăm sóc đặc biệt đây mà. Photo by Gustavo Fring from Pexels

"Be beyond/past caring (about something)" nghĩa là quá quan tâm hoặc không còn quan tâm/để ý như trước nữa.

Ví dụ
The staff are beyond caring and all our clients are safe, well cared for and happy.

You can sometimes walk in and find them sleeping. You might feel awkward about interrupting (làm phiền), but they are beyond caring about privacy (quyền riêng tư).

Beyond caring for the animals, Georgia has other plans for what she wants to do at the Incarnation Center. It recently received a grant (trợ cấp), part of which she will use for the construction (xây dựng), now underway, and programming for a new classroom space devoted to environmental education.

"The Medical Unit is a shining example of calm (bình tĩnh) under pressure in that these professionals were faced with a health crisis beyond caring for individuals with pre-existing hypertension (tăng huyết áp), diabetes (tiểu đường), cardiopulmonary (về tim phổi) and other health concerns," Sheriff Gannon said.

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