"Born within the sound of Bow bells" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by: Biel Morro on Unsplash

"Born within the sound of Bow bells" = sinh ra trong tiếng chuông nhà thờ -> cụm từ này chỉ những người nói giọng London.

Ví dụ
Mr Delnevo said: “They appeal (hấp dẫn) to local people in East London in particular. Cockney is in their DNA.” "They also give tourists a flavour of how Cockney can still be relevant today. Heritage meets Hip!” So if you were born within the sound of Bow Bells you’ll have no trouble navigating your next cash withdrawal (thu hồi).

Her father, later a taxi driver, worked in local factories, and her mother was a bookkeeper at Smithfield meat market. Though she doesn’t have the accent, she is a cockney (người London), born within the sound of Bow Bells.

Born at Guy’s Hospital, Southwark, South East London, just before the outbreak (bùng nổ) of the 2nd World War, Len was extremely proud of the fact, that as he was born within the sound of Bow Bells, he was first and foremost just a ‘Cockney Lad’ from London.

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