"Can’t remember a fucking thing" nghĩa là gì?

Chả nhớ nổi luôn. Photo by Gerd Altmann from Pexels

"Can’t remember a fucking thing" hay CRAFT (từ lóng) nghĩa là lỗi bộ nhớ rồi, không còn nhớ được cái quái gì nữa.

Ví dụ
The last time Jem saw her on one, she hadn't been able to remember a fucking thing about her life except for Danny.

I can't even remember what I had for breakfast that day, sir. My head hurts just thinking about it. It's the strangest thing, but all I can remember is waking up with my face on the cold steel deck. ... After that, I don't remember a fucking thing.

The Thursday Club has four full time members, and its aims, not written down or anything like that, is to share out common knowledge (kiến thức chung), educate ourselves in the ways of the arts by discussion and further study, and sometimes get absolutely ratlegged (uống nhiều rượu) into the bargain (thương lượng)- the latter being the better part of the evening. The best nights have been when we can't remember a fucking thing about what went on the day after.

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