Anh hài hước quá

trump nói mình xuống hầm để kiểm tra, chứ ko phải sợ bạo loạn... :D

The US president was taken to the facility amid demonstrations (biểu tình) nearby (gần đó) on Friday, with reports at the time suggesting he had been there for almost an hour along with First Lady (đệ nhất phu nhân) Melania Trump and their son Barron.

But while the Republican admitted (thừa nhận) he had been to the bunker (boong ke), he insisted it had only been briefly and had nothing to do with the protests.

He told Fox News Radio: "It was much more for the inspection. I was there for a tiny, little period of time. They said it would be a good time to go down and take a look because maybe sometime you're going to need it."

Bài trước: Khôn quá cơ
Tags: funny

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