"Dressed to the nines" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by: Elias de Carvalho on Pexels

"Dressed to the nines" -> nghĩa là ăn mặc đẹp, hợp thời trang, diện ngất, thường là để tham dự các sự kiện quan trọng.

Ví dụ
Then on Saturday evening a promenade (dạ hội) and ball is held in Arena 2 where students get dressed to the nines and show off their styles to parents and community members in attendance, followed by an evening of music and dancing, games and food as the graduates their dates and escorts celebrate until midnight.

Graduates, some dressed to the nines, some in jeans, sat on floats pulled by trucks, on chairs in the back of pick-up trucks or standing with their head out of the sunroof while family and friends cheered (cổ vũ) them on.

Whenever people crossed his path, Brown was dressed to the nines with a sharp pair of shades (kính râm) and a positive word from God to share.

Ngọc Lân

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