"Every once in a while" nghĩa là gì?

Đôi khi cần sống chậm lại một chút. Photo by Oziel Gómez from Pexels

"(Every once) in a while" nghĩa là thỉnh thoảng, đôi khi.

Ví dụ
When your opponent (đối thủ) says as many outrageous (xúc phạm) things as Donald Trump does, you just stay inside and maybe come out every once in a while.

Every once in a while when I ran into D-rock, he would ask me to film him. I would do it, shooting him and anyone who was with him then pulling stills from the footage.

Onyejiaka said her customers who have returned are buying casual dresses to wear around the house. “Every once in a while, somebody will walk in to make sure that I don’t go out of business,” she said.

“I promise you that all throughout your life you will face adversity (nghịch cảnh). The question is how will you respond to the challenges you face,” said Winsman. “Work hard through the struggles you will certainly face and take time to recognize your accomplishments (thành quả) and stop and smell the roses once in a while.”

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