"For the umpteenth time" nghĩa là gì?

"For the umpteenth time" -> nghĩa là không biết lần thứ mấy nữa, quá nhiều lần nên không đếm được.

Ví dụ
And if you get stains (vết bẩn, làm bay màu) on it after cooking bolognese for the umpteenth time, just put iton a hot wash and it will come out dazzling again.

The wind whipped dust and deposited it on my massive mini-van. I wondered for the umpteenth time why I chose white. The seatbelt seemed tighter today, squeezing me as I approached my destination. I shifted gears, put the car in park, and reached for my purple purse. Then I heard an urgent, unfamiliar voice interrupt the music.

While we may feel ourselves alone, God considers us unique, as someone without whom the world would seem less bright. When our body is tired and weighs us down, He looks at this body with a gaze full of joy and admiration. Just as He said at the Creation, “God looked at it and found it very good” (cf. Gn 1:31). God looks at us as we are, not just people with lofty thoughts and noble intentions, but as physical beings of flesh and blood, who lug laundry baskets and stick Band-Aids on scraped knees. He sees, He observes, He admires. Even when we’re changing that dratted light bulb for the umpteenth time.

Ka Tina

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