"Make your money stretch" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Micheile Henderson on Unsplash

"Make (one's) money stretch" nghĩa là siêu tiết kiệm, khôn lỏi trong vấn đề tiền bạc, chi tiêu cực cẩn trọng.

Ví dụ
Using up as much food as possible by freezing leftovers, cooking in batches (đợt, mẻ) or opting for cheaper brands could help to stretch your emergency fund that little bit more.

I think the best thing to do would be bits and pieces … do little projects in bite-sized chunks. It will make your money stretch more across and also it will make it more manageable (dễ quản lý) as well.

Adams who wrote the book, The Money Attractor! Everyone's Guide To Winning With Money So They Can Live Their Dreams! offered three tips to prepare yourself for the changes and make your dollar stretch.

Michael George, Senior Vice President of Valley Strong Credit Union, recommends people to this to make their money stretch during this time: Cancel Unnecessary Subscriptions; Gym – online workout programs; Cable – streaming services; Car Insurance – Driving Less, some insurance (bảo hiểm) companies offering refunds...

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