"Nut-cutting time" nghĩa là gì?

"Nut-cutting time" có nut-cutting là đập quả hạch -> cụm từ này tương tự với "crunch time" nghĩa là thời gian mang tính quyết định, rất quan trọng liên quan đến kết quả của công việc (thời gian nước rút).

Ví dụ
“As far as this baseball thing, I see something happening right now,” Eckersley said from Pleasanton, where he’s been staying for the last month or so as he visits his daughter and her family. “The next day. I think it’s nut-cutting time right now, I really do.

“I don’t think he did, and again, I don’t know what the office saw, I know that I didn’t think he took things seriously enough, because again, he had the world by the balls and could have used it to his advantage and done just about anything he wanted to do, and sometimes when it was nut cutting time, he would choose to laugh at it and not go, and there’s a time to laugh and play haha and there’s also a time to just go.”

As part of that story I had an idea. A theory I wanted to test. You see, I think the modern gravel bike has a fatal flaw, a weakness that nobody is talking about in public. Quite simply, they suck going downhill (xuống dốc). Nobody mentions this in their media campaigns or carefully curated Instagram feeds, but they hurt. On the fireroad behind my house a 38mm tyre does little to dampen (làm mất hứng, nản chí) the sensation that your eyeballs are being methodically shaken from your skull. And, for me, that undoes any of the good things about gravel bikes (and I think there are quite a few). I have Views on bicycles. Strong ones. I believe that when we get down to nut-cutting time, there is no point in any bicycle, whether on asphalt (đường nhựa), gravel (sỏi) or dirt, that isn't fun on the way downhill.

Ka Tina

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