"Second from something to something" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Martin Jernberg on Unsplash

"Second (someone) from (something to something)" nghĩa là thuyên chuyển công tác, biệt phái từ nơi này đến nơi khác/ từ vị trí này sang vị trí khác.

Ví dụ
The city’s health department is now working with Provincial Medical Officer and other agencies such as those seconded from the army.

The first non-white (coloured person) to be employed in the Registrar General’s Office was Fred Phillips from Barbados, who was seconded from the Police Force in 1960.

But since March, almost all England’s 8,000 private hospital beds have been seconded to boost (tăng cường) NHS capacity, and health bosses are now on the verge of (gần với) extending the arrangement.

The college is owned by the state, and has 650 employees and 4,500 students. The majority of the staff are Canadian, and many are seconded from positions with CNA in Newfoundland and Labrador. While the workers on secondment (biệt phái) are represented by a union on home turf (sân nhà), their union protections do not extend to Qatar.

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