"Seize an opportunity to" nghĩa là gì?

Đừng lợi dụng để hôi của! Photo by Aloïs Moubax from Pexels

"Seize an opportunity (to do something)" nghĩa là tận dụng cơ hội để làm gì.

Ví dụ
We have been planning for this work for as long as I’ve been here and before. But what this does though is it affirms (khẳng định) that we’ve got allies and champions and partners that we’re going to be able to access in new and different ways. To have your players involved is a huge acceleration (gia tốc) point. That’s what is different about this moment. We’ve got to seize the opportunity.

As governments design stimulus measures (biện pháp kích thích) for economies hit by the Covid-19 crisis, they should seize the opportunity of historically low oil prices to redirect some of the half a trillion dollars spent annually supporting fossil fuels (nhiên liệu hóa thạc) into sustainable investments (đầu tư bền vững) including low-carbon energy, according to the OECD and the International Energy Agency (IEA).

Less than a year later, with the world's attention captured by images of U.S. authorities using tear gas (hơi cay), pepper spray (xịt hơi cay) and rubber bullets (đạn cao su) to crack down (trấn áp) on protesters against racism and police brutality (tàn bạo), China and other U.S. rivals have seized the opportunity to highlight U.S. domestic turbulence (hỗn loạn) and accuse (cáo buộc) Washington of hewing to double standards (tiêu chuẩn kép).

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