Giáo dục sẽ khác

sẽ (phần lớn) học online (qua mạng), trẻ em ở vùng sâu vùng xa cũng nhận được giáo dục tốt nhất,

trường học truyền thống sẽ như "nhà trẻ" -> chơi đùa thôi...

Education and training will be core activities. Both adults and children will be trained and coached to take advantage of online resources. Someone in the most remote rural area or the most blighted urban ghetto (khu vực trong một thành phố, nơi sống của một sắc tộc thiểu số hoặc một nhóm xã hội, tồi tàn và chật chội; khu nhà ổ chuột) will have access, via the Internet, to the best training and education that the world has to offer.

Young people will get their learning on line. Some may stay at home. Others will gather in what amount to day-care centers. These day care centers will provide Internet connections, supervision, opportunities for play, and meals.

Beginning around age 15, many young people will pursue vocational training. Businesses will be involved with this process. Firms may hire and train workers directly for their specific needs, such as call center staff. Or they may indirectly stimulate training by articulating general needs, such as a need for plumbers or automobile mechanics.

Other young people will pursue education in arts, sciences, and humanities. This education will be largely self-directed, with guidance from mentors.

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