"Tumble into bed" nghĩa là gì?

Một giây trước khi chạm đất. :D Photo by Tim Grundtner from Pexels

"Tumble into bed" = ngã nhào xuống giường -> nghĩa là ngã bổ nhào, ngã bất thình lình, va chạm hoặc ngủ với ai.

Ví dụ
But there was no telling whether Miss Chandos would tumble into bed as quickly as we did. I certainly was not surprised to see her sit down and take up a book that lay on the drawers and begin to read.

He still felt something for her. Even if it was only lust. But no way in heck was she going to tumble into bed with him when he thought so little of her. Perhaps she should have insisted on clearing the air immediately when he first recognized her.

A: "What—and you just naturally assume that you're so sexy and I'm so responsive that we'll just tumble into bed together without a thought for the consequences?"
B: "That isn't what I meant."
A: "That's exactly what you meant, Matthew Gallagher!" she stormed. "And I can assure you that tumbling into bed with you was the last thing on my mind!"

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