Cử anh này tới Tam Thôn thôi

Thủ tướng Úc bị người dân "quát" trên sóng truyền hình trực tiếp vì dẫm lên bãi cỏ mới trồng trước nhà anh ta...
Never mess with a man’s lawn :) – it’s a valuable lesson (bài học giá trị) that Scott Morrison and a pack of reporters were hilariously (đáng buồn cười) reminded of this morning.

Hell hath no fury like a man whose freshly seeded lawn is being trampled  (giẫm nát, chà đạp, giày xéo) on by a pack of people.

...Prime Minister Scott Morrison was addressing journalists to outline the government’s new HomeBuilder grant when a frustrated (bực bội) resident (cư dân) ventured (liều, đánh bạo) out from his house.

“Can you guys get off the lawn please?” the man yelled, interrupting Mr Morrison mid-sentence.

“Hey guys, I’ve just reseeded that,” he added, pointing to the grass that reporters, cameramen and photographers were crowded on.

Bài trước: Hà Nội biết thừa
Tags: funny

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