"Be in a bad place" nghĩa là gì?

Nếu cuộc sống của bạn đang gặp khó khăn, hãy nhìn họ. Photo by Yogendra Singh from Pexels

"Be in a bad place" nghĩa là trong tình trạng xấu/khó khăn/khó xử/không thuận lợi.

Ví dụ
I needed help before I ended up in a bad place. What did she mean? I was living in a bad place; my life was the bad place. Was there something far worse than what I had already lived through? If there was bring it on! Why did she care?

So God uses troughs to help us grow, but how do we know it is a trough (máng) or just a really bad place. If it is God's divinely (tuyệt diệu) appointed, well chosen way of giving us an opportunity to grow, we don't want to miss it, even if it is uncomfortable for a time.

Perhaps uniquely in presidential history, Trump engendered (gây ra) controversy over attendance at funerals, starting with Barbara Bush’s in April 2018, which Trump did not attend (although four former Presidents and the First Lady did), and then at John McCain’s in late August. Kelly opened the weekly White House staff meeting on August 27 by saying, “I’m in a bad place today,” because of ongoing disagreements with Trump over whether to fly US government flags at half-mast (vị trí treo cờ rủ để tang) and who would attend which services.

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