"Bread-and-butter letter" nghĩa là gì?

"Bread-and-butter letter" = lá thư bánh và bơ -> nghĩa là thư cảm ơn chủ nhà về sự đón tiếp niềm nở, cho ăn uống hậu hĩ.

Ví dụ
School apologises for 'bread and butter' letter for pupils who forgot lunch money.

Growing up well before the Digital Age, I spent many hours as a child putting pen to paper, scribbling, scrawling, doodling, or composing what my tradition-minded (tư tưởng truyền thống) parents called “bread and butter letters,” short, handwritten notes sent to thank someone who provided some form of hospitality (sự hiếu khách).

For those who wrote in praise of Heidi’s pie recipe, I will pass on your collective thanks here. For others who wanted my insight into her secret picking grounds, go find your own thrill on your own huckleberry (cây việt quất) hill. (She wouldn’t even trust that secret with me). But keep writing. I love your letters, the bread-and-butter kind, the quizzical kind, the holding-me-accountable kind. All of them. They are my insight into a community, my slice of pie, if you will.

Ka Tina

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