"Clear your throat" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

"Clear (one's) throat" = làm sạch cổ họng -> nghĩa là hắng giọng, ho (để lấy hơi trước khi phát biểu).

Ví dụ
Coughing is another common symptom, but it’s not just any cough. “It’s not a tickle in your throat. You’re not just clearing your throat. It’s not just irritated (kích thích),” Schaffner explained.

This is not a baseball “season.” A Major League Baseball season is 162 games. An ESPN story found four World Series winners who were below. 500 after 60 games. Sixty games is the professional baseball equivalent of clearing your throat.

Peter Gulick hasn’t been feeling 100% for quite some time. You can hear it in his voice. “I’ve got congestion (tắc nghẽn),” he says in a phone interview. “I’m clearing my throat a lot. I’m bringing up phlegm (đờm). I have a cough, but the cough is very infrequent.”

“Just breathing (exhaling) does release moisture from your lungs – think of when you breathe out onto a pane of glass (ô cửa kính),” he said. “Also, during the act of normal breathing, you might clear your throat, laugh, or sigh. Would there be as many droplets (giọt nhỏ), and potential microbes (vi khuẩn), spread as by coughing and sneezing? Probably not, but it is possible there could be some.”

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