"Everybody's business is nobody's business" nghĩa là gì?

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"Everybody's business is nobody's business" = việc của mọi người thì chẳng là việc của ai cả -> nghĩa là đùn đẩy nhau, chỉ nghĩ cho bản thân, 'cha chung không ai khóc', 'lắm sãi không ai đóng cửa chùa'. 

Ví dụ
We have, indeed, only to look around us to see how easily a small special interest may exert (tạo ra) greater influence in forming opinion and making laws than a large general interest. As what is everybody's business is nobody's business, so what is everybody's interest is nobody's interest.

"What is everybody's business is nobody's business" is a saying that is as applicable in China as in Western lands. The roads exist for the good and welfare of all, but it is nobody's real business to protect them; they are, in consequence, neglected (bị bỏ rơi) by all - peasants (tá điền), farmers, officials, and gentry (tiểu quý tộc) alike.

Its weakness was long ago noted in the saying that "What is everybody's business is nobody's business. In an oligarchy (chế độ quyền lực tập trung) or a monarchy (chế độ quân chủ) the few rulers have, because few, a comparatively strong and direct interest in seeing that State affairs are efficiently managed. The personal interest of an individual may sometimes override that of the privileged class (tầng lớp đặc quyền), but the share of each member of that comparatively small class in whatever weal or woe (sướng hay khổ) befalls the community is larger than that of the citizen in a democracy.

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