"Flourish like a green bay tree" nghĩa là gì?

Cho dù trải qua bao phong ba bão táp, chúng vẫn không ngừng lớn lên. Photo by Johannes Plenio from Pexels

"Flourish like a green bay tree" = mạnh mẽ lớn lên như cây nguyệt quế -> nghĩa là cố cắng, phát triển để thành công. Cây nguyệt quế được biết đến là loài cây thường mọc nhanh và nhiều cành mỗi năm.

Ví dụ
He says : “It will, I trust and believe , continue to live and flourish like a green bay tree, in despite of the puerile (non nớt) efforts for its destruction of Æquus and his allies."

“The wicked shall flourish like the green bay tree,” said Captain Gregg, “It was a pretty way of admitting your villainy (tính độc ác), my dear, but never mind, we'll forget it. I was never one to bear a grudge (hận thù)."

It is a fact that one may “flourish like a green bay tree” and yet be unrighteous (bất chính), but we should also remember that the bay tree at last perishes (héo), or is cut down, and such is the fate of the unrighteous.

Not merely the wicked (độc ác), but the improvident (không lo xa) and the negligent (cẩu thả), often flourish like the green bay tree, and they keep on flourishing, and setting wisdom and righteousness (ngay thẳng) at defiance (không tuân theo) in the most successful manner.

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