Giải pháp triển khai công tác bầu cử hiệu quả

bỏ phiếu, đừng bằng tay, hãy bằng chân,

covid-19, cột điện biết đi cũng bỏ mỹ mà... :D
trích dẫn hôm nay… is from page 1 of GMU law professor Ilya Somin’s newly published (2020) book, Free to Move: Foot Voting, Migration, and Political Freedom:

We often take it for granted (coi là đương nhiên) that ballot box (hòm phiếu) voting (bỏ phiếu) is the essence of political freedom (bản chất /cốt lõi/điều cốt yếu của tự do chính trị). In liberal democracies (nền dân chủ tự do), it is generally considered the main way for the people to choose what sort of government policies (chính sách của nhà nước) they will live under.

The ballot box indeed has great value. But it also has significant flaws (khiếm khuyết lớn). As a mechanism (cơ chế) for expressing (bày tỏ) political choice (lựa chọn chính trị), it leaves much to be desired. The individual voter almost never has more than a minuscule (nhỏ xíu, rất nhỏ) chance (cơ hội) of making a difference (tạo nên điều khác biệt) to the outcome of an election (kết quả cuộc bầu cử). And for that very reason, he or she has little incentive (động cơ) to become well-informed (đầy đủ thông tin) about the issues at stake in any election.

DBx: “Progressives” rightly value and praise freedom of expression. But the only acts that they regard as expressive are ‘voice’ acts – acts such as speaking, writing, the creation and display and performance of art, and, above all, voting. (I here overlook many “Progressives’” rising ambiguity toward – and in some cases outright hostility to – freedom of speech (tự do ngôn luận).) But we humans express ourselves also in ‘action’ ways. Two of the most important of our ‘action ways’ are contracting (that is, engaging in commerce) and migrating (what Ilya calls “foot voting”). “Progressives” are very skeptical of the first of these action-ways (with more and more conservatives now joining in on this skepticism). Many modern-day conservatives especially, but also large numbers of “Progressives,” are skeptical also – indeed, in many cases opposed – to the second of these action ways.

Of course voice-ways differ from action-ways, and at least some of these differences have relevance for law and policy. But great progress in our thinking will occur if we come to see more clearly that action-ways have significant expressive components.

Tags: economics

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