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kiện công ty vì công việc quá buồn chán (phải nghỉ việc), và được bồi thường 45.000 usd...
We originally featured this bizarre court (phiên tòa kỳ lạ) case (trường hợp) back in 2016, when Frederic Desnard made international news headlines for suing French perfumery (xưởng chế nước hoa) Interparfum for $400,000 for making him work a boring job (công việc nhàm chán) that at one point made him suffer an epileptic (động kinh) fit and left him feeling depressed (trầm cảm). He also claimed that the company signed him off work for several months, and later used his prolonged absence (vắng mặt nhiều ngày) as an excuse to fire (sa thải) him in 2014. Last week, after four years of litigation, 48-year-old Desnard won his case, and a compensation of $45,000.

Paris’s appeals court ruled that Frederic Desnard suffered from “bore out”, which is technically the opposite of burnout, where an employee is overworked. The former manager’s lawyer claimed that the complete lack of stimulation at work had left the man feeling “destroyed” and “ashamed”, even triggering an epileptic fit when he was driving.

Bài trước: Chuẩn rồi
Tags: funny

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