"Funny as a crutch" nghĩa là gì?

"Bạn tôi thật không có khiếu hài hước mà." Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

"(As) funny as a crutch" có từ "crutch" là cái nạng -> cụm từ nghĩa là chả có gì buồn cười cả, chán ngắt.

Ví dụ
Funny as a crutch, thought Bolt. He turned his back to Beauty, hiding his tense face, slowly letting the air out of his lungs. A weird feeling.

Adam's face tightened into a pucker (nếp nhăn). “You're funny as a crutch, you know that, Campbell?” “Yeah, I know it.” He nodded at his own crutch leaning against the sofa.

One cowboy that was helping us out that day was a wild dude, but an excellent cowboy and as funny as a crutch. When he talked, he had a horrible stuttering (nói lắp) problem and you couldn't understand him, but he could talk by singing.

Eddie bent over and laughed like a donkey. I did too, but stopped real fast because I didn't think it was right to laugh on the day a little girl would be set to sleep forever in the ground. “You're as funny as a rubber crutch, you know that, Troo?"

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