"Hold the ring between" nghĩa là gì?

Cần lắm một người đứng ra hòa giải. Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

"Hold the ring (between)" nghĩa là theo dõi, kiểm soát, giải quyết xung đột hoặc tranh chấp một cách trung lập, khách quan. Chủ yếu dùng ở Anh.

Ví dụ
Clerk attempted to hold the ring between the warring antiquaries (nhà khảo cổ), mediating (hòa giải trung gian) and assisting both parties.

Eisenhower had the difficult task of holding the ring between them and imposing his own view. His greatness – doubted by some, like Brooke and Montgomery – stems partly from his success in achieving that.

In strictly limited circumstances, as in the France of Emperor Napoleon III (1848-71), a balance of social forces (lực lượng xã hội) could allow the state to develop something of a life of its own and hold the ring between conflicting classes.

They might agree on outcomes, but their conceptual philosophies (triết lý khái niệm) were quite different: judges from Southern Europe believed that their task was to distinguish between justice and injustice, between right and wrong, while judges from Northern Europe saw their function as being to hold the ring between competing claims of right.

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