"In a funk" nghĩa là gì?

trump đi paris chẳng vui... Photo courtesy Jeanne Menjoulet.

'In a funk' nghĩa là rất chán nản, tuyệt vọng.

Ví dụ
'Julianne has had a hard time recently and is in a funk. The lockdown (phong tỏa) has brought up all sorts of stuff for her,' a source said.

Trump blamed Kelly, unfairly, marking a possibly decisive moment in ending his White House tenure (nhiệm kỳ). Trump was displeased throughout the trip (“He’s in a royal funk,” as Sanders put it) because of the disappointing election results, and nothing made things better.

I counted myself lucky; I was one of those who’d come through practically unscathed (vô hại, bình an vô sự). At the start of September I’d taken to my bed hurting all over, knowing enough about this brutal flu to be rather in a funk, but I’d found myself back on my feet in a matter of days. Colours appeared a bit silvery to me for a few weeks, as if I were looking through smoked glass. Apart from that, I was only a little lowered in spirits, nothing worth making a fuss about.

Phạm Hạnh

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