"Keep the stork busy" nghĩa là gì?

Càng đông càng vui. Photo by Paola Vasquez from Pexels

"Keep the stork busy/flying" = để con cò bận rộn -> nghĩa là đẻ liên tục, sinh nhiều con. Truyện dân gian cho rằng cò mang đến em bé.

Ví dụ
The best way to keep the stork from flying over is to shoot it in the air.

Scarlett Johansson, Mila Kunis and other pregnant stars will keep the stork busy in 2014.

But later on the wedding chimes (tiếng chuông hòa âm) rang out This gave one greater joy there is no doubt, when the tailor was wed to the Princess; Knowing they would keep stork busy I guess.

ANDRE: "For you, Julie, I would do anything. Only one more winter, then we get married and build a little house, and then—and then we..."
JULIE: (Tapping foot skeptically (hoài nghi)"And then we keep the stork busy."
ANDRE: "Yes, we keep the stork busy."

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