"Know your onions" nghĩa là gì?

Hãy cứ làm điều mình muốn. Photo by Snapwire from Pexels

"Know (one's) onions" hoặc "know (one's) stuff" nghĩa là có chuyên môn về một lĩnh vực, thạo nghề của mình, nắm rõ công việc của mình. Cụm từ này được cho là xuất phát từ tiếng lóng "onion rings" đồng âm với "things".

Ví dụ
If you say so and the young doctor says so, both of you must know your onions. Go 'head. Do what you want.

“You have to hand it to Peters that he knows his onions,” said Crook, after a time, drawing a blackened hand across his forehead.

He don't know anything about law, but believe me he knows his onions. He gets her all dressed up for the trial in a skin tight black lace dress an' flesh coloured chiffon silk (vải lụa mỏng) stockings.

The rest of the hole was filled in with the loose earth. She thought about the life she was creating there, up against the stone wall that marked the end of the back garden. Know your onions! That was the phrase they used to use in Henry's work.

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