"Language that would make a sailor blush" nghĩa là gì?

"Cấm nói bậy nghe chưa?" Photo by August de Richelieu from Pexels

"Language that would make a sailor blush" = ngôn từ khiến thủy thủ đỏ mặt -> nghĩa là sử dụng ngôn từ rất tục tĩu. Tương tự "language that could/would fry bacon".

Ví dụ
On their honeymoon the car broke down and Dad used some language that would make a sailor blush.

But I too smoke like a chimney (ống khói). I drink and get pissed; most good actors do. And my language would make a sailor blush.

The anarchists (người chủ trương vô chính phủ) who were interviewed would give some of the most despicable (đáng khinh) movie characters a run for their money. Their language would make a sailor blush. It even made me blush, and I'm no shrinking violet (người nhút nhát).

As the cars were being switched onto the various tracks, the switchmen (người bẻ ghi đường sắt) would often have disagreements how and where to line up the cars. The language that would fry bacon. As a young kid, I was not able to add those new words to my vocabulary because swearing was not permitted in my family.

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