"Lay by the heels" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by niu niu

"Lay by the heels" -> nghĩa là bị khóa tay chân vào cùm/xiềng xích; bị tống giam.

Ví dụ
They CAN cunningly (xảo trá, gian trá) ESCAPE FROM any and all REPERCUSSIONS (hậu quả) resulting FROM HAVING SAID IT--then both "truth" and "justice"--CAN BE FINALLY--"laid by the heels"!

“Now, mark all this, pretty Miss Turner did not in the least care about being ran away with, for if she had, by speaking to the landlady (bà chủ nhà) at the first inn where she ran upstairs to put her curlers (dụng cụ cuộn tóc) right, or to tie her shoe strings, explain the real state of the case, the ravisher (kẻ hiếp dâm, cướp giật) and the post chaise would have been laid by the heels in a twinkling (sự nhấp nháy, cái nháy mắt). The steam packet to Calais, a whisper (thì thầm, xì xào), a look, a sigh, would have roused the gallantry (sự can đảm, gan dạ) of all the male passengers of the chivalrous (hào hiệp) age.

Well, John, if you do not hear of your old friend for some time, say for several years, do not be too concerned. If you read of the remarkable explorations (sự thăm dò, thám hiểm) of a Norwegian named Sigerson in Tibet, it may not occur to you that you are receiving news of your friend. I may look in at Mecca, and pay a short visit to the Khalifa at Khartoum. I shall be in touch with the Foreign Office. I may spend some months at Montpellier (which is in the south of France) in a research into the coal-tar derivatives (bắt nguồn từ). But you may be sure that I shall never rest until my old adversary (kẻ thù, đối thủ) is laid by the heels.

Ka Tina

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