"Live within means" nghĩa là gì?

Cứ tiêu tiền đi vì đời ngắn lắm!! Photo by: 🇨🇭 Claudio Schwarz | @purzlbaum on Unsplash

"Live within means" -> nghĩa là không tiêu nhiều hơn số tiền bản thân có.

Ví dụ
However, to avoid these devastating scenarios, learning to live within means is one practical way of doing this. When they say austerity (khắc khổ), it has to be for everyone. There should be no sacred cows.

He said it was not necessary for him to purchase (mua) new shoes for the pre-budget announcement and that it is a time to live within means.

Our colleges have to learn to live within means and have given them the money and investment to freeze tuition (học phí). For me, that was how I could plan for college.

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